Contribute Here are some ways you can contribute to PixelBuilds
As a user
You can help us out by translating PixelBuilds to other languages on our Crowdin.If you enjoy using PixelBuilds, consider donating to us. We use the funds to pay for the infrastructure, such as the servers.
As a developer
Since PixelBuilds is open source, you can contribute your own code on our Gerrit to further improve the OS.If you have booted PixelBuilds on your own device, consider applying to join our team!
Community We welcome anyone, from experienced developers to new users to our PixelBuilds community!
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Release channel Find the latest updates of PixelBuilds for your device.
Twitter We also post on Twitter, feel free to tag us if you need any help!
Copyright © 2024 PixelBuilds Design by @dvrkplayer, code by @przekichane